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Porvoonjokilaakso 10.6.2017, dur 5:25 mins

This video belongs to the category: Random stuff, cannot categorize.

Finnish translation:

Tällainen GoPro-video vaihtelun vuoksi. Tässä videossa ajan Porvoonjokilaakson poikki sumuisena aamuna kesäkuussa 2017. Ajoreitti alkaa Saksalantieltä. Se seuraa Porvoonjokea. Kun videossa saavutaan alikulkusiltojen luo, tien nimi muuttuu Vanhaksi Hämeenlinnantieksi. Se päättyy vanhalle rautatieasemalle, jonka kohdalla käännyn risteyksestä vasemmalle Vanhalle Helsingintielle. Video päättyy tykin luona sijaitsevalle parkkialueelle.

English translation:

Porvoo River “Valley” 10 June 2017

Here’s for a change this kind of dash cam clip. You’ll see how I’m driving across Porvoo River “Valley”*, in a misty Summer morning. The clip begins from a road named Saksalantie**. It follows the Porvoo river. At that point when my car drives below the bridges, name of that road changes to Vanha Hämeennantie. It ends at the old railway station, at which point I’m turning left to Vanha Helsingitie. This trip ends at the parking area in the old town.

*) Must be in quotes, it’s not a proper valley.
**) “Germans’ road” more or less literally.

Watch in YouTube — the full description for this clip is published over there.

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If you'd like to link to this page from a blog or somewhere, here's a short link for that: kuopassa.tv/284. This page was last updated or modified 2678 days ago. "Porvoonjokilaakso 10.6.2017" is rated 7,0/10. It´s based on 1 votes. The clip has been tagged as , . Kuopassa.tv currently has a total of 296 videos. This page has been viewed 1495 times. The clip was originally released in YouTube 11 June 2017 in .mp4 format.