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Driving through Valko in May 2017, dur 3:07 mins

This video belongs to the category: Notes or observations.

Driving through a small village/town in Finland. I used to live in Valko as a kid, and hadn’t visited that area in a long time. The video begins from Sistolanranta and ends at the outskirt of Valko. Recorded with GoPro 3.

Finnish translation:

Autolla Valkon halki toukokuussa 2017

Ajelen halki pienen kylän rannikkoseudulla. Asuin Valkossa lapsena enkä tätä ennen ollut vieraillut tuolla seudulla pitkään aikaan. Ajeluvideo alkaa Sistolanrannasta ja päättyy Loviisaan vievälle tielle. Nauhoitettu GoPro 3:lla.

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If you'd like to link to this page from a blog or somewhere, here's a short link for that: kuopassa.tv/282. This page was last updated or modified 2706 days ago. "Driving through Valko in May 2017" is rated 7,0/10. It´s based on 1 votes. The clip has been tagged as , . Kuopassa.tv currently has a total of 296 videos. This page has been viewed 1481 times. The clip was originally released in YouTube 13 May 2017 in .mp3 format.