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A small dam and fish steps, dur 3:29 mins

This video belongs to the category: Notes or observations.

The graphics outside are HD quality, or even better. This video has three parts: first one presents a small dam, the second one a fish ladder, and the last one shows the river in downstream. Filmed in Finland.

Finnish translation:

Pieni pato ja kalaportaat

Ulkona grafiikat ovat HQ-laatua, tai jopa paremmat. Tässä videossa on kolme osaa: ensimmäinen esittelee pienen padon, toinen sen vieressä sijaitsevat kalaportaat, ja viimeinen näyttää joen alajuoksulla. Kuvattu Suomessa.

Watch in YouTube — the full description for this clip is published over there.

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If you'd like to link to this page from a blog or somewhere, here's a short link for that: kuopassa.tv/298. This page was last updated or modified 2328 days ago. "A small dam and fish steps" is rated 7,0/10. It´s based on 1 votes. The clip has been tagged as . Kuopassa.tv currently has a total of 296 videos. This page has been viewed 2152 times. The clip was originally released in YouTube 26 May 2018 in .mp4 format.