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more of the promising Univermag (RO2 map), dur 12:51 mins

This video belongs to the category: General gameplay clip.

This is cut in half. The other half is gone. The screen capture card I’ve used to record all game play clips has again been rebelling. Sometimes it cuts recording without explanation or warning. I remember this match somewhat well because the Soviet team didn’t have a clue what to do, where to go. So German team won almost without resistance.

Finnish translation:

Pelaan lisää lupaavaa Univermagia (RO2-kenttää)

Tämä on leikattu kahtia. Toista puoliskoa ei ole jäljellä. Se videonsieppauskortti, jolla olen nauhoitellut kaikki pelivideot, on jälleen kapinoinut. Joskus se pätkäisee nauhoittamisen ilman selitystä tai varoitusta. Muistan tämän pelin kohtalaisen hyvin, koska venäläisten joukkue ei oikein tiennyt mitä tehdä tai minne mennä. Siksipä saksalaisten joukkue voitti lähes ilman vastarintaa.

Watch in YouTube — the full description for this clip is published over there.

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If you'd like to link to this page from a blog or somewhere, here's a short link for that: kuopassa.tv/240. This page was last updated or modified 3109 days ago. "Playing more of the promising Univermag (RO2 map)" is rated 7,0/10. It´s based on 1 votes. The clip has been tagged as . Kuopassa.tv currently has a total of 296 videos. This page has been viewed 1985 times. The clip was originally released in YouTube 5 April 2016 in .f4v format.