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A boat sails through icy waterway, dur 4:10 mins

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It was raining Sunday morning. Some parts of the “inner” coast are still covered in ice, but small boats can move through narrow waterways that’ve been created with an icebreaker. Perhaps the boat in this clip is such a thing. This was recorded with Nikon D610. The microphone is maybe broken or dirty as it’s constantly giving that metallic chirping sound at the background.

Finnish translation:

Vene seilaa jäistä väylää pitkin Tolkkisissa

Sunnuntaiaamuna satoi. Monin paikoin sisärannikolla vesialueet ovat vielä jään peitossa, mutta näemmä pienet veneet voivat seilata kapeita väyliä pitkin, jotka on luotu jäänmurtajalla. Ehkä videolla näkyvä alus sellainen jäänmurtaja. Nauhoitin tämän Nikon D610:llä. Sen mikrofoni taitaa olla rikki tai likainen kun se tuottaa tälläkin videolla kuultavaa metallista sirinää.

Watch in YouTube — the full description for this clip is published over there.

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If you'd like to link to this page from a blog or somewhere, here's a short link for that: kuopassa.tv/239. This page was last updated or modified 3146 days ago. "A boat sails through icy waterway" is rated 7,0/10. It´s based on 1 votes. The clip has been tagged as , . Kuopassa.tv currently has a total of 296 videos. This page has been viewed 1703 times. The clip was originally released in YouTube 4 April 2016 in .f4v format.