Making of Darkest Hour 8.0 trailer, dur 14:37 mins
This video belongs to the category: Random stuff, cannot categorize.
So the release of Darkest Hour version 8.0 is getting close. Last Sunday lots of players downloaded the development version to participate in the first public Beta test. During that test session at least two maps were played “for real”, but there was also a lot work done for a game trailer. It had several scenes, including this one from Nuenen Advance. The scene here was inspired by Band of Brothers, where Allied forces entered a village held by German troops.
At least these players were present in this scene:
- [DH]Bashnett (Admin)
- Acer
- Actimel
- Ashley
- BigBird
- Catinahat
- CryMyName
- Don_Pablo
- Ein_deutscher_Soldat
- Gemini
- HandsomeB.Wodnerful
- JagdHamster
- Noxian
- PFC Fricke [29th ID]
- PFC Intxaurza [29th ID]
- PeteFromFinland
- Theel (Admin)
- dirtybirdy
- ksh
- spam
Finnish translation:
Videokuvaa Darkest Hour 8.0 -trailerin tekemisestä
Darkest Hourin version 8.0 julkaisu lähestyy. Viime sunnuntaina monet pelaajat latasivat DH:n kehitysversion osallistuakseen sen ensimmäiseen julkiseen beetatestaussessioon. Sunnuntain aikana pelattiin “tosissaan” ainakin kahta kenttää, mutta iso osa sessiosta kului pelitrailerin nauhoittamiseen. Traileria varten kuvattiin muun muassa yksi kohtaus Nuenen Advance -kentässä. Se kohtaus perustuu Band of Brothersiin, siihen, jossa liittoutuneet saapuivat pieneen saksalaisten miehittämään kylään.
Ainakin nämä pelaajat olivat paikalla tätä kohtausta filmattaessa:
- [DH]Bashnett (Admin)
- Acer
- Actimel
- Ashley
- BigBird
- Catinahat
- CryMyName
- Don_Pablo
- Ein_deutscher_Soldat
- Gemini
- HandsomeB.Wodnerful
- JagdHamster
- Noxian
- PFC Fricke [29th ID]
- PFC Intxaurza [29th ID]
- PeteFromFinland
- Theel (Admin)
- dirtybirdy
- ksh
- spam
Watch in YouTube — the full description for this clip is published over there.