(2/2) Lutremange in Darkest Hour 6.0, dur 16:01 mins
This video belongs to the category: General gameplay clip.
The last map we played in previous Darkest Hour 6.0 testing session was wintry combined-arms map Lutremange. In that map Germans and Americans are trying to capture and hold several key points: South Village, North Village and Lumber Mill. If either team captures all three of those, the opposing team starts to “bleed out” in tickets. It’s around 100 tickets per minute they lose. As this match lasted for quite some time, it’s split in two parts. This is the final half.
Close to the end of this match this was the scoreboard (number at the end of line means points):
- Mal (64)
- PFC Ggnon [29th ID] (47)
- Ducking Coward (45)
- [DH]Basnett (39)
- [DH]Theel (32)
- PFC Benton [29th ID] (31)
- Firefly (23)
- PeteFromFinland (18)
- Anonimatus (16)
- dirtybirdy (13)
- Gren.netto.GR559 (13)
- Lepelaar (6)
- 4thAD Doodle (64)
- SSgt. Evensen [29th ID] (41)
- rolandz (37)
- Meowzer (36)
- >Fred< (35)
- Pvt. Swift [29th ID] (29)
- T/3 Slomczynski [29th ID] (28)
- 4th Hamdackery (25)
- flaard (13)
- Tweek (9)
- 101.Airborne (0)
Watch in YouTube — the full description for this clip is published over there.